Your Metabolism Craves REAL Food

Before you took a bite of your lunch today or your morning snack, did you ask yourself if the food you are about to eat will give you energy? Boost your mood? Reduce pain and inflammation in your body? Keep your blood sugar balanced?

If you give your body too much of the foods that are not healthy or that you have an intolerance to (i.e. gluten, dairy), your energy levels go down, inflammation (often silent inflammation) increases, and your body’s metabolic processes become unbalanced.

Don’t forget that these things can happen when you get too LITTLE of the foods that your body needs and craves in order to function better. We need REAL, whole foods!

When you eat “frankenfoods” that are fake and proccessed or foods high in sugar, your body begins to adapt to this way of eating.

Do you really want your body to adapt to this? To a way of eating that will likely bring on chronic health conditions and unnecessary suffering years from now?

Maybe you already have a chronic health condition that you suspect could be impacted by the foods you are eating.  Do you have excess weight, body aches, hormone imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, mood disturbances, digestion problems, autoimmunity, or chronic fatigue? Many of these conditions can be worsened (or even triggered) by the foods you are eating!

Take care of your energy-generating, fat-burning powerhouse that is your metabolism – now!  Give your body what it needs and craves.  Eat REAL, whole food.

About Me

Hi there! I’m Stef Sojka

I have a Master’s Degree in Public Health, am a Certified Health Education Specialist, Metabolic Balance® Practitioner, and Licensed RESTART® Instructor. I’m passionate about health and wellness!

I am a mom to 2 young children and to 3 rescue dogs. Along with my husband, we run a very busy household!

I help women who have also been on a journey of trying to feel and look their best. After 15 YEARS of bouncing from doctor to doctor, carrying with me my growing binder of health records just trying to get to the bottom of why I felt so horrible all the time, I went on a full-blown mission to help myself once and for all when I finally had had enough! My big ‘aha’ moment was when I realized how critical REAL food is to feeling better! And now I want to help you to become an empowered and informed patient.

My passion is helping women overcome their weight-loss resistance, boost their metabolism, decrease inflammation in the body caused by eating the wrong foods – all without giving up treat meals and REAL food! I want to help women so that they look and FEEL more healthy in their skin!

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