Does a Metabolic Balance Plan Include Carbs?

Does a Metabolic Balance Plan Include Carbs?

This is one of the most common questions that I hear from my new clients and from those people interested in signing up for my coaching program.

Metabolic Balance is NOT a “Keto” or “Low Carb” diet. Carbs are necessary for our long-term metabolic and hormonal balance, weight maintenance, and for optimal brain function.  Healthy carbs are needed for our overall balanced wellness!

A Metabolic Balance Plan doesn’t include the carbs typically you think of, such as doughnuts, bagels, cereal, and sweets. These types of carbs I called ‘crappy’ carbs.  These are the highly processed foods, stripped of nutrients and fiber.

Plant Foods Are Carbs

Did you know that almost all plant foods fall into the “carb” category?

Plant foods include veggies, fruits, legumes, beans, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. These ‘slow carbs’ are low-glycemic and don’t spike your blood sugar or insulin. All of these wonderful plant foods can be found in your Metabolic Balance plan.

Most Americans are eating quickly-absorbed carbs from sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and white flour, which are quickly turned into belly fat. After you eat a high-carb meal, your insulin spikes and your blood sugar later plummets — leaving you very hungry. That is why you crave even more carbs and sugar shortly after you eat.

You WILL be eating carbs on a Metabolic Balance plan.

The ‘carbs’ you eat while following your Metabolic Balance plan include an abundance of whole, unprocessed complex carbohydrates, with all the vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, and phytonutrients intact. Even the carbs you get from the sourdough rye provide wonderful fiber and enzymes to support healthy digestion.

High-fiber foods help buffer out their sugar content. That is one reason why eating a cup of blueberries has a dramatically different impact than putting four teaspoons of sugar into your coffee! Crappy carbs lead to excess insulin being produced by the pancreas, leading to obesity, an inability to burn fat, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and much more.

Food is made up of three macronutrients, also known as “macros”. These are fats, proteins, and carbs. It is difficult to extract just one macronutrient from a particular food, so the only way to change the ratios of fats, proteins, and carbs in our diet is to change the TYPE of food we eat.

Carbs and Fats Are Not The Enemies

Dietary fat doesn’t stimulate metabolic hormonal changes in the body. In fact, dietary fat is essentially metabolically inert. Crappy carbs, on the other hand, have the ability to set off a party of metabolic activity (and imbalances) with rapid increases in insulin and rapid decreases in its opposing hormone glucagon.

Metabolic Balance uses food as a tool to reset metabolic and hormonal imbalances. By eating the correct balance and types of foods, we can alter what goes on inside our bodies. Metabolic Balance opens the metabolic pathways to allow for more efficient burning of body fat.  Weight loss is the nice side effect!

Want to learn more about working with on a private or a group health coaching program and receive your own custom Metabolic Balance nutrition roadmap?

CLICK HERE to schedule your free 20-minute call with me.  Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to stay updated about upcoming promotions, webinars, my recommended products, recipes, and all things whole health and metabolic balance!

About Me

Hi there! I’m Stef Sojka

I have a Master’s Degree in Public Health, am a Certified Health Education Specialist, Metabolic Balance® Practitioner, and Licensed RESTART® Instructor. I’m passionate about health and wellness!

I am a mom to 2 young children and to 3 rescue dogs. Along with my husband, we run a very busy household!

I help women who have also been on a journey of trying to feel and look their best. After 15 YEARS of bouncing from doctor to doctor, carrying with me my growing binder of health records just trying to get to the bottom of why I felt so horrible all the time, I went on a full-blown mission to help myself once and for all when I finally had had enough! My big ‘aha’ moment was when I realized how critical REAL food is to feeling better! And now I want to help you to become an empowered and informed patient.

My passion is helping women overcome their weight-loss resistance, boost their metabolism, decrease inflammation in the body caused by eating the wrong foods – all without giving up treat meals and REAL food! I want to help women so that they look and FEEL more healthy in their skin!

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